Folk wedding songs are called precisely as such because many people seem to find meaning in their lyrics. There's absolutely nothing wrong with getting in the car and having the same popular wedding song as a thousand other couples. However, there are some good tips to remember when choosing your popular wedding song.
A few years ago
Yes, it's okay to have the same popular wedding song as everyone else, but you don't want the same song to play from the reception room next to yours. You can choose a popular wedding song from a few weeks ago instead of one from last week's hits. This will lessen your chance of having a popular wedding song that is also the wedding song of everyone else who got married the same day.

If you have no idea which popular wedding song is perfect for you, then ask your reception band or DJ for some suggestions. They are experts in the field of music and will offer suggestions based on the quality of the melody and lyrics of each song.
Have activity songs
It would be great to have a popular wedding song that is also meaningful to both of you. Maybe you would like to have the song that was playing when they first met. However, your main theme will only be good for the two of you at your first reception dance. You should consider having a popular song for every wedding. Choose songs for the bride's entrance, cocktail hour, dinner, cake cutting, and parents' ball.
Include tribute songs
It would be a great idea to have a popular wedding song that was successful a few decades ago. A particular song that was special to a group of parents would be a wonderful way to show affection and gratitude. You can play your parents' popular wedding songs River Sultan when you dance with them.
Have variations to a song
You may like a particular popular wedding song, but you just can't handle the same beat as ever. Have your band play the song in a different rhythm. You can dance slowly with an originally fast song or you can dance disco with an originally slow song.
Check the letter
It is important to read the lyrics of the song before deciding to have a popular wedding song. Some songs have cool tunes, but can send negative messages like despair, mild sexual suggestions, and separation. Some couples seem to think that there is nothing wrong with such popular song lyrics. However, be sure to judge a song not only by the melody but also by the lyrics if you're the type who doesn't appreciate those lines.
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