We will take this opportunity to welcome you to our official website, where we offer you quality chemicals developed with you and your heart in mind. We have seen the need for quality industrial chemicals to give you a laboratory-grade of quality as shown in the image below, we make a better one to clean your black or stained money.

We also sell home kits so you can test your own small-scale cleaning products, in case you need to test and are unsure of your product, please refer to the services for information on the grade test services we offer. To apply for services, visit the application services page.
We offer a wide range of black money cleaning products and we have vectrol paste at a special price right now, depending on the quantities. We have been in business since 2001 and we clean black stained euros, black-clad dollars, and bank stained coins.
SSD Solution and Supreme SSD Solution
The SSD solution is the main chemical used in cleaning stained and coated coins. It is mainly found in 1 liter, 1.5 liter and two liter metal insulated containers. you need to keep it on such SSD. The solution is a milky white liquid chemical compound used in black dollar cleaning chemical formula tinted notes, this chemical compound can be improved by adding other catalytic oxides and can be diluted with paste to increase its cleaning group, to increase the amount of bills to be cleaned.
Black coated and stained money (currency) can be a mission to clean up your legal tender value, especially if you are using the wrong kind of chemicals. The condition of the coated money is important as this determines what type of chemical will be used in what proportions the mix will be made up in case you feel like mixing and trying.
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