What is the difference between a kitchen composter, a compost bin, and a compost bin? Do I need all this? Are they all the same? I'm going to describe what each of these things are and how to find what works best for you.
A compost bin is basically a container that you have in your kitchen to store your food scraps until you have a chance to go out into the yard and empty it into your compost pile. I've seen them made of plastic, ceramic, and stainless steel. Since plastic tends to be somewhat brittle and has odors (especially compost), I recommend avoiding them. Ceramic is nice, heavy and easy to clean, but it is also easy to break. Therefore, I tend to like stainless steel compost pots. I've had mine for quite some time, and many of them come with a carbon filter to combat odor, though I've never had a problem with this.

Next, the kitchen composter. This generally refers to a plastic bucket that is found in your kitchen and collects food scraps. Add a mixture of rice bran to the bucket as it fills, and decompose the material surprisingly fast. I think this is the expensive way, since you need to buy refills of the rice bran and it is not so cheap.
Most kitchen composters have a pick to collect "compost tea", which is amazing. Compost tea is like steroids for your plant, so it's good to have that advantage by using a kitchen composter. They are also good if you live in a tight space and have no yard space to compost.
Finally, we have the compost glass. There are many variations in composting in your garden, such as having a hole in the ground, a chicken wire fence with the layered material, or a safe barrel of different quality levels. When I started composting, I had a ditch in the ground and I used a shovel to turn the pile ... this aged quite quickly. Stray animals would mess around with content, so I needed to jump start a contained pile. Using a glass keeps the humidity straight, animals come out, and some even provide compost tea.
As you can see, the three elements have different purposes, but it is not necessary to use all three. I love composting, so I have a compost glass as well as a good kitchen compost pot. Whether you live in the city or in the country, with warm or cool weather, you can benefit from implementing any of these in your home.
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