One of the best steps in bakery management is the introduction of cross marketing in the bakery. To do this, you can display fresh herb breads near fresh herbs, or you can cut your breads for the customer to capture the flavor. Also, try to cross-sell your baked goods with the deli and soup counters. Keeping the coffee on display with the other bakery items will definitely help the breads fly off the shelves.

Another important aspect of the bakery display is color. The best colors for a bakery are browns and beige, but to liven up the operation, bright colors like red and yellow will complement any display. By focusing on lighting, not above or below key bakery areas as lighting brings your products to life. Be sure to monitor lighting systems to ensure cleanliness and accuracy of the beams and to be able to identify and replace burned out bulbs immediately.
Cleaning is an important factor to guarantee the return of the clients. No customer wants to find a dusty food counter or stained sneeze guard, so make sure staff wear hairnets, hats, and disposable gloves while handling ร้านเบเกอรีสุรินทร์ items. Keep a well-stocked shelf of favorite bakery items at all times. Try the variety, as customers get bored of the same items over and over again. Always try to provide the best service to customers by providing the required training to staff. You can try delivering customer comment cards to get feedback on their operation. Maintaining sample stations in the bakery is not a bad idea either; sampling proves to be an excellent customer service tool. Once the customer tastes the food, their cravings are satisfied, and therefore the sale closes much faster.
The final aspect of bakery management is to hold promotions and contests at the bakery. Use national holidays for special promotional periods for customers to walk in the door. It's also a great idea to host prepared meals where you can encourage your customers to show off their secret recipes.
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