Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Curb tobacco use

Tobacco addiction affects every ten out of fifteen people worldwide. Many people start using tobacco products from a fairly young age. The teenage years are the most vulnerable time, since this is the period of our life in which we resume these bad habits. While some may never try or get into the habit of using tobacco; Most of us would probably start by trying it out of pure curiosity. There are two main ways to use tobacco, smoking and chewing; While chewing tobacco may be the oldest form of tobacco use, smoking is probably the most preferred way today. Of course, there are a few other ways to use tobacco, as different countries have different styles of tobacco use.
In many developed nations, particularly in western countries, people generally prefer to smoke or chew tobacco. Tobacco use is somewhat varied in the Middle East and eastern developing countries; particularly in Southeast Asia, where tobacco consumption is very high compared to the west. Tobacco addiction is rampant in countries like India, Nepal and its neighboring countries. While smoking and chewing are still the basic methods, they still have different styles. In the Middle Eastern countries, with an Islamic majority, people enjoy smoking tobacco in the form of 'Shisha or Hookah'. Basically it is smoking tobacco with water that acts as a filter; the ingenious Shisha pot has a container at the top containing red-hot coals and tobacco and the base of the pot contains water. You must extract the smoke from a pipe connected to the base of the pot, the smoke travels through the water to the extraction pipe. shishaladen is available in many flavors, and people have been smoking it for generations.

Tobacco is commonly used in India and Nepal; A wide variety of cigarettes and chewing tobacco is available in the local market. People here have different methods of chewing tobacco; they add tobacco to other items. One of your favorite ways to chew tobacco is to wrap betel nuts, aromatic spices, and tobacco in betel leaves and chew on it for some time, this concoction is called 'Paan'. This concoction is widely available and is believed to act as a mouth freshener, a trend popularized by India's earliest Maharajas. They also have many added tobacco spices available, but the most common way of consuming tobacco is quite fascinating. People here buy packaged tobacco and add a little limestone powder, rub the mixture for a while, and finally put the mixture on their lips, usually the gap between the gum and the inner lips. They say that first-time users often get kicked; gradually, the habit improves the user and eventually becomes an addiction. Another crude form of cigarette widely available in India is 'Bidi', which smokes the section of the Indian population that is generally below the poverty line. This crude form of tobacco smoking is the number one cause of cancer among the common masses in India; since these bidis are cheap and of very low quality. Actually, it's just some unfiltered raw tobacco rolled up into dry leaves; It has no leakage and is highly harmful.

An estimated 274.9 million people in India use tobacco; In India, there are around 0.9 million tobacco-related deaths annually, compared to 5.5 million worldwide. India is also claimed to be the world's third largest producer of tobacco and its related products. Despite the facts and anti-tobacco awareness programs, the population that uses tobacco is only growing. Most developed nations have strict laws for tobacco manufacturers, causing most tobacco manufacturing companies to shift their base to developing countries in the southeast.

Tobacco addiction can have serious consequences, diseases such as asthma, heart food and the worst cases, such as cancer, are mainly related to tobacco use. If the habit is not stopped in time, a serious illness that causes loss of life is inevitable. Teenagers and children should be warned against strict tobacco use, as tobacco use can be a lifetime addiction. It is a well-known fact that "prevention is better than cure", so preventing children from adopting the habit at an early age may be the best way to curb tobacco use. Awareness could be very effective, but a solid approach to controlling tobacco use is essential.

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