If everything you knew about credit repair companies were inferred from how they are portrayed in the media, you would probably have a very low opinion of them. It seems that every time a company is mentioned in the news it is because they are being investigated or closed. After a while, you would begin to think that there is no legitimate credit repair organization.
There are problems in the industry. Too many people take advantage of desperate consumers who will do almost anything to get a good credit score. When these companies go out of business, it's a good thing. When the media warns people about things to watch out for so they don't become the victim of a scam, they are providing valuable information.
But where the media fails us is by never showing the bright side of credit repair. You never hear stories of people who have been successful. You never get to read about the life-altering results these companies have produced for consumers over and over again. It is a shame. The fact of the matter is that for every story a shady credit repair company presents, there could be dozens more people whose lives were completely changed by the assistance they received.
Instead of telling both sides of the story, the media focuses entirely on the negative. But it goes even further when it comes to credit repair. It is common to find a story in which someone has responded to a telephone pole or flyer ad that promises to restore their credit, pays the company thousands of dollars up front, and then receives nothing in return. Of course, this is a terrible thing and the people behind such a scandal should be held accountable, but the way these stories are reported invariably is a disservice.
These news almost always follow the same format. They begin by indicating who and what. Company A has been closed for cheating penniless people. But then the stories always turn into typical anti-credit repair messages about how companies can't do anything for you that you can't do for yourself (that's true, but they're probably much better at that), how accurate you should. information on your credit reports (accurate in this sense is very open to interpretation), and how to dispute errors is as simple as filling out a form on credit bureau websites (something any expert will tell you is a bad idea).
It's because of the way this news ends that many people deviate from credit repair when the fact is that the companies these articles are written about have little to do with actual credit repair and whether the practice is legitimate. The things they are doing wrong - taking people's money under false pretenses - would be wrong in any industry.
Because they promise to clean up people's credit and best credit repair companies is seen as a goal, these companies present themselves as what's wrong with the industry. If instead of promising to clean people's credit, these scammers promised to take care of people's lawns and then fail to keep their promise, you would surely be reading stories about how to avoid a lawn care scam and how there is nothing to do with lawn care. . The specialist can do for you what you cannot. But when it comes to repairing credit, it becomes a problem for the entire industry and not just individual violators.
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